
Pluralsight enlisted our help in creating the ultimate VIP After Party during Microsoft Ignite – one of the industry’s largest tech conferences. The experience took place in three separate locations within a converted warehouse space overlooking the Chicago skyline. Guests were provided with private shuttle service, a catered dinner and an open bar featuring signature cocktails. Musical performances and multiple activations throughout the space kept attendees engaged and entertained throughout the evening. Highlighting the experience, guests were given the opportunity to have their likeness captured in 3D and printed as a sculptural “selfie”. The take-away, printed off-site, was sent to guests as a follow up that included a personal note from Pluralsight’s executive team.

Client: Pluralsight

Agency: Roundhouse

Producers: Clara Seasholtz, Matt Lawrence, Dominic Keska, Lauren Lindstrom

Creative + Art Director: PJ Portlock

Senior Designer: Katie McKenney

Copywriter: Paul Glazier